I hope you are all soaking up the last days and weeks of the break ☀️
We can’t wait to see you all in the next month! ⤵️
As we gear up for another exciting school year, I wanted to share the way I approached PD this summer.
It is - admittedly -a bit atypical 😉 . If you know me, I doubt you’ll be surprised!
I wanted to find an opportunity where I could grow professionally, that would also spark some creative thinking that can be hard to access in the normal day-to-day of life.
I find that my own creativity is sparked by a few things:
Which is how I found myself learning about - are you ready for it? - Italian Renaissance Art at Oxford University in England. I showed up with 0% of background knowledge of Renaissance Art.
Honestly, I wasn’t completely sure when the Renaissance was 😉 .
Believe it or not, I signed up for this topic on purpose. I wanted to push myself and challenge my brain to learn something brand new.
I mean, we ask this of our students constantly, don’t we?
As I was the only one in the course without some sort of Art History background, I felt like a kindergartener attending class with graduate students.
And do you know what? It was quite eye-opening and humbling. I learned a ton!
Here are some pictures from this lovely experience.
If you are interested, I highly recommend adult summer school through Oxford: OUSSA Summer School for Adults. There are many topics in addition to art if that doesn’t strike your fancy!
When you reflect on your best professional learning experiences, where and how do you find that YOU learn and grow best?
At Northshore Learning, we know that one-sized PD fits…one.
We know some people learn better online, others in small groups, some through books, or book clubs…
There are many ways to do it. We are always open to new ideas and helping you find what will work best for your school community!
Be in touch and we can help you create a bespoke program for the coming school year.
By: Dr. Jessica Werner