Students today are different from our students of 10 or even 5 years ago. In addition to the learning challenges posed by the pandemic, social and emotional needs are high, attention spans have drastically changed, and what motivates students to learn and what will hold their interest is constantly evolving.
Our approach to supporting teachers is to offer a variety of data-driven strategies educators can use immediately to help engage students, which will increase teacher efficacy, student motivation, and academic achievement.
Our most popular offering is 1:1 instructional coaching. We currently work with hundreds of teachers providing 1:1 support that is completely personalized. Learn more about our instructional coaching process here. You can contact us anytime to learn more about how we can facilitate coaching for your school.
on instruction and student achievement than almost all other school-based intervention programs. Student performance improves with instructional coaching for teachers, regardless of if the teacher is a novice or a veteran."
(Kraft, Blazar, & Hogan, 2018)
Our Offerings
1:1 Instructional Coaching
Professional Learning Workshops
College Preparedness in a Post-Pandemic Era
We also offer a variety of workshop offerings that can be facilitated in-person or virtually. Here you will find our current offerings, and we are constantly adding new opportunities to this list. To discuss which offerings would best fit the needs of your school, we recommend signing up for a short call with Dr. Werner.